Animation is a massive sweet spot in the experimental work I’ve been doing lately. I’ve been using the storyboarding, 3D design, rendering and live action filming skills I’ve built up over the years, as well as the hand-drawn stuff I’ve always done. Also, I’ve been developing my music writing and performance skills in order to … Read More
Portraits In Development
Parallax Portraits started as a way to develop new skills in C4D. We now have the outline overarching storyline spanning millennia, and are developing several character-driven stories of various lengths.
The Prisoner
Interrogator Amber Dusle is sent to a secluded research facility, deep in the Begaris desert. Her mission is to uncover the truth about a mysterious healer, but she soon discovers everyone there has something to hide.
Outpost 17
Outpost 17 Nuya, The Biologist, has been working at the Lyndana Research Facility for many years. She hasn’t heard from Evie in days.
Falling For You
In this short story, we first meet Nuya, The Biologist, as a young lady. Set in her home city of Saristair, we catch a glimpse of what will become her lifelong motivation: to save lives.